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- December 1994
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Testing Requirements for Entry into Foreign Countries
- An increasing number of countries require that foreigners be tested
- for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prior to entry. This is
- particularly true for students or long-term visitors. The following
- list of country requirements is based on information available as of
- November 1994 and is subject to change. Before traveling abroad, check
- with the embassy of the country to be visited to learn entry
- requirements and specifically whether or not AIDS testing is a
- requirement. If the list indicates U.S. test results are acceptable
- "under certain conditions" in a particular country, prospective
- travelers should inquire at the embassy of that country for details
- (i.e., which laboratories in the United States may perform tests and
- where to have results certified and authenticated) before departing the
- United States.
- Country Test Required For U.S. Test Accepted?
- Australia All applicants for permanent Yes*
- residence age 15 and over. All
- other applicants who require
- medical examinations are tested
- if it is indicated on clinical
- grounds.
- Bahrain Foreign workers in certain No, testing performed
- job categories, i.e. hotel on arrival
- staff, hair dressers, etc.
- Belize All applicants for residency Yes*
- permits
- British Virgin Anyone staying more than 6 Yes
- Islands months and applicants for
- work permits
- Bulgaria May be required for any No
- foreigner staying longer than one
- month for purposes of study
- or work and all intending immigrants
- China, People's Those staying more than 6 Yes, under certain
- Republic of months conditions*
- Colombia Anyone suspected of being HIV N/A
- positive will not be admitted
- Cuba All foreigners, excluding No
- diplomats, staying 90 days
- or longer
- Cyprus All foreigners working or No
- studying
- Dominican Republic Foreigners seeking No
- residency
- Egypt All foreigners staying for Yes, under certain
- more than 30 days conditions*
- El Salvador All applicants for permanent No
- residency over 18 years
- Estonia Foreigners seeking Yes, under certain
- residency or work permits conditions*
- Germany, Federal Applicants for residence No
- Republic of permits staying over 180 days
- (Bavaria only) in Bavaria
- Greece Woman intending to work Yes, under certain
- in entertainment centers conditions*
- Hungary Anyone staying over 1 year, Yes, under certain
- and all intending immigrants conditions*
- (some employers may
- require workers to be tested)
- India All students over 18, anyone Test must be taken
- between the ages of 18 and within 30 days of
- 70 with a visa valid for one arrival*
- year or more and anyone
- extending a stay to a year or
- more, excluding accredited
- journalists and those
- working in foreign missions
- Iraq Anyone staying over 5 days Yes, under certain
- (Failure to have the test conditions* (To avoid
- done will result in a fine up to $330 fee have test
- $1600.) done in the U.S.
- before departing.)
- Kazakhstan Workers and students staying Yes, under certain
- over 3 months and anyone conditions*
- seeking residency
- Korea Foreigners working as enter- Yes
- tainers staying over 90 days
- and foreign athletes who are
- members of Korean teams
- Kuwait Those planning to obtain No
- residence permits
- Lebanon Those planning to live or No*
- work
- Libya Those seeking residence Yes
- permits, excluding official
- visitors
- Lithuania Applicants for permanent Yes, under certain
- residence permits conditions*
- Malaysia Foreigners seeking work Yes, under certain
- permits conditions*
- Marshall Islands, Temporary visitors staying Yes, under certain
- Republic of the more than 30 days, and conditions*
- applicants for residence permits
- Mauritius Foreigners planning to work Yes, under certain
- or seek permanent residence conditions*
- Mexico Applicants for permanent Yes, under certain
- residence visas conditions*
- Micronesia Anyone staying over 90 days Yes
- (Federated
- States of)
- Montserrat University students and appli- Yes, under certain
- cants for work and residency conditions*
- Oman Those newly-employed by No
- private sector companies and
- upon renewal of work permit
- Papua Anyone planning to work Yes
- New Guinea or seeking residency
- Paraguay Applicants for temporary Yes, under certain
- or permanent resident status conditions*
- Philippines Applicants for permanent Yes
- resident visas
- Russia All foreign visitors (pending No*
- legislation)
- Saudi Arabia Applicants for residency/work Yes
- permits
- St. Kitts and Nevis
- Students, intending immigrants Yes, under certain
- and those seeking employment conditions*
- Singapore Workers who earn less than No
- $945 per month
- Syria Those seeking residency and No
- anyone wishing to marry a Syrian
- national in Syria
- Taiwan Applicants for residence and work Yes, under certain
- permits (may also be required for conditions*
- those extending visitor visas)
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Foreign workers (testing is No
- part of medical exam that is
- required for work permits)
- United Arab Applicants for work or No, testing preformed
- Emirates residence permits on arrival
- Ukraine Anyone staying longer than Yes, under certain
- 3 months conditions*
- *Check with the embassy or representative office in Washington, D.C. for
- detailed requirements.
- Prepared by the Bureau of Consular Affairs
- Public Affairs and Policy Coordination Staff
- December 1994
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